Kringlecon23 writeup

Below are a couple of SANS Kringlecon challenges I thought were interesting and wanted to share notes on. Linux privesc Just wanted to write-up one of the more interesting challenges; A Linux privesc; We don't have the sudo binary so sudo -l fails; We list suid binaries with:…

Flareon challenge 10

Couple of challenge notes I wrote for this year's Flareon10 ; Unfortunately, my laptop broke and I didn't have a ton of time to spare so I didn't get super far. Wanted to document this as I used PONCE on challenge 3 and haven'…

Unveiling Persistence Techniques in MacOS: A Closer Look

Introduction: Welcome to another insightful blog post where we explore various methods of persistence in Mac OS applications. In this article, we will delve into three specific techniques commonly employed by both legitimate applications and malware. By understanding these persistence mechanisms, incident responders can effectively identify and mitigate potential threats.…

Windows Forensics: NOT A Comprehensive Guide

In the field of digital forensics, investigating Windows systems is a crucial task for uncovering evidence and analyzing potential security incidents. Windows operating systems generate various event logs and artifacts that can provide valuable insights into user activities, process execution, and system changes. In this blog post, we will explore…

IDA Challenge

Didn't have time to finish the IDA challenge but below are a couple of notes; I wanted to try some new approaches documented below. I wanted to take a look at the ida challenge . I recently saw a couple of write-ups leveraging symbolic…